Update information WARP (22.05.2024).

Current tool: An IT- team has been allocated to the existing tool and is in the process of receiving handover. Hopefully, they will soon be able to deal with the tool and make the current functionality stable. I am aware that there are issues and bugs with the current tool functionality, and a prioritization will be to fix these (but as pointed out earlier, NEW functionality will not be added in the current tool). I thank you for your “patience” here and hope that we are able to keep the tool running and avoid going temporarily back to spreadsheets - which is a last solution if everything fails. But will represent a major setback going forward. At present, it is difficult to promise a date for when the tool is handed over and fixes can be made, but I am hoping weeks rather than months. Update will follow.

New tool:
The conclusion from the evaluation of the current WARP tool is that the current tool need replacement. A project for a establishing a new tool is proposed and will be recommended to the SUB Technology and Improvement Arena tomorrow 23.05.2024. Based on evaluations so far, a MVP (minimum valuable product) for the new tool can be ready in the autumn at the earliest. Again, timing is uncertain and update will follow.

Regards Øistein Bøe, Solution owner for current tool